The most important thing is a precise analysis of our expert arborists on health, disease detection and site conditions. This allows us to know exactly what care your trees need.
The advantage of a good tree care diagnosis allows our arborists the best practice to perform on each tree examined. This allows a good growth and a better longevity of the tree.
Throughout the year, trees need care. With this in mind, our arborists will carry out an analysis of their health, detect possible diseases and understand all the conditions of the site. Discover the different services offered by Arboxygen for the care of your trees.
A diagnostic can identify any problems. Different signs can be interpreted:
In all cases, an inspection is required to better assess its state of health and identify the presence of invading agents. An arborist will in particular look into the condition of the trunk, branches, collar and leaves. He can then define the appropriate care.
Pruning consists of cutting branches for a specific purpose: aesthetics, reinforcement, safety or even health.
The objective can for example be to give a better look to the trees in the garden. In this case, the arborist will prune at the superfluous branches.
This operation will also ensure the solidity of the regrowth, essential to resist strong winds. This also improves the orientation of branches that become invasive.
Trimming and pruning are based on the same principle: they consist of cutting branches for a specific purpose. The difference lies in the technique.
With pruning, an arborist will mainly deal with dead, fragile or laterally damaged branches. It lowers the top of the tree to balance the sides and height.
This practice is frequently adopted in urban areas. It improves the appearance of trees, while contributing to the safety of those around them. Indeed, fragile or damaged branches expose you to an accident if they were to fall.
Guying is a common tree care in Quebec, given the capricious climatic conditions in this region. As the plants grow, they need a helping hand to stay looking their best.
Guying is one of the solutions to make a tree resistant, keep it straight and support its branches. The trunk will then be surrounded with guy wires to straighten it and help it grow in better conditions.
It is also possible to have guy wires at the level of the branches in order to reduce the risk of falls, in the event of violent winds.
Felling is the last resort when caring for a damaged tree is no longer possible. But it also happens that an owner decides to cut down a tree that is still in good health. The latter wishes, for example, to erect an infrastructure in its place. Or, the tree has grown in the wrong place, obstructing traffic, invading the privacy of neighbours, risking causing an accident or even preventing other plants from flourishing.
Slaughter is then the appropriate solution. This delicate and dangerous operation must be entrusted to the care of a professional.
Removing tree stumps or stump removal involves digging down to the roots. This operation takes place after the dismantling, felling and limbing of the tree.
Stump removal is necessary to make land very flat, for example in order to build a new infrastructure. In addition, the roots must be removed so that pedestrians and vehicles can circulate without danger. Also, these stumps can become a real nest for fungi.
Stump removal requires specific equipment, given the complexity of the work. It is advisable to entrust the mission to an equipped professional.
Deforesting land means cutting down and removing stumps from the trees that are there. Deforestation is when the plants to be removed occupy a small to medium area. It is a question of clearing when the area to be worked is larger.
The land cleared in this way can be used for various purposes. In all cases, this operation requires specific know-how and equipment.
The location should be carefully considered before planting a tree. This helps ensure a good flow of vehicles and pedestrians over time. The risks and dangers associated with the development of the tree are also minimized, whether in relation to the spreading of branches or the invasion of insects and other pests.
An arborist will advise you on the most suitable location and take care of the actual planting. He can suggest the best species to favor depending on the climatic conditions, the location and the type of soil.
Opting for the services of a professional like Arboxygene means having the assurance of work carried out in accordance with standards and with respect for the well-being of plants. Our team includes a few professional arborists specializing in guying, pruning and planting. Entrust us with the inspection and treatment of your trees, we will take good care of them!