Felling is sometimes the only option when a tree is too old, infected and weakened, or when it represents a safety risk to surrounding structures. In Quebec, this type of work may require a permit or a certificate of authorization.
In Quebec, cutting down a tree on the front of your house, and sometimes in the backyard, requires a permit issued by the Urban Planning and Sustainable Development Department. Therefore, the first thing you should do when planning to cut down a tree on your property is to check with the city to see if you need a permit to proceed.
If a permit is required, it must be obtained before the tree is cut down. To do so, you will need to submit a report on your project, with supporting evidence and photos.
Please note that there are fees associated with this process, which will be communicated to you when you inquire. Also, you can only proceed with the work once you have obtained the certificate of authorization. Otherwise, you risk a fine of varying amounts.
Cutting down a tree yourself, especially if it is large, old or weakened, is dangerous, both for you and for the surrounding structures. We therefore recommend that you entrust this delicate mission to an expert.
On the one hand, he knows all the steps to take as well as the techniques to apply to cut down the tree safely. On the other hand, it has the necessary equipment to guarantee a fast intervention, according to the standards and in the respect of the environment.
At Arboxygène, we have a team of experts in tree care and treatment who can help you with your tree removal project. Not only do they have the skills and equipment necessary to cut the tree safely and in a manner that respects nature, but they can also help you put together your file to obtain the permit or certificate of authorization.
We also remind you that they proceed to a diagnosis and an evaluation of the situation before any intervention and are therefore able to advise you on the best solutions to undertake. In fact, sometimes a pruning is enough to solve the problems.
Do you want to cut down a tree on your property? Our experts will be happy to diagnose the plant to find out if removal is really necessary. We will then assist you in putting together your permit application, if required. Finally, when the certificate of authorization is in your hands, we will proceed with the felling. Do not hesitate to contact us for more information about our services!