An “arborist” is a professional responsible for the maintenance of trees and shrubs. He followed a specific training in arboriculture to obtain this title. What are its concrete missions and why is its intervention essential?
An arborist is a specialist whose main role is to take care of trees and shrubs in order to keep them healthy. To do this, he uses many techniques such as pruning, trimming or pruning. In the most serious cases, he may even recommend felling or stump removal.
This professional also takes care of sick trees and proposes effective solutions so that the diseases or fungi do not spread to other plants in the area. He also performs surgeries when necessary. Also known as an arborist, it should not be confused with the lumberjack whose mission is only to cut trees.
As we have seen before, the arborist applies several techniques to take trees. Let’s take stock.
An arborist is first and foremost able to make a complete assessment of a tree’s condition because of the knowledge he or she has acquired during training. Afterwards, he suggests the best solution to undertake to maintain or care for the plant and its surroundings.
In addition, he/she knows and masters the measures and techniques to be applied in order to intervene in complete safety. Indeed, the pruning of branches or the felling of a tree can endanger surrounding structures and even passers-by if the necessary precautions are not taken. In short, it is always recommended to call a professional arborist for this type of work.
At Arboxygène, we offer ecological solutions, which respect nature, to maintain the trees and shrubs on your property. Also, we have the necessary equipment to intervene in complete safety and to carry out work to the height of your expectations. You can contact us by phone, send us an email or fill out the online contact form on our website to call on our team of professionals or to obtain additional information about our services. Our contact information: